Are you searching for a new or replacement HOME insurance policy? I know how difficult it can be to know who you can trust and how to be sure you get the lowest price while making certain that you and your family are protected. Imagine if you could deal with a company where staff members were selected not based solely on their knowledge, but also on their willingness to treat you with the highest level of respect and offer you the same advice they would offer a family member.
At Tim Shaw Insurance, we care about our clients, and we will answer all your questions no matter how trivial you may think they are. We're here to assist you in finding the right coverage for you and your family while also working to keep your costs down. I can tell you, this year we will have at least a dozen or so clients that will have a very devastating insurable event.
When they call in the claim, not a single one will ask me "Could I have bought that coverage cheaper?" The first question they will ask is "Do I have coverage for this loss?" "Do I have enough or the right kind of coverage?" Founded in 1974 (41 years ago) by Tim Shaw. The best value you can find, both price and coverage anywhere in Florida. We stake our reputation on it..